End of Year Writing Marathon at The Village Works
End of Year Writing Marathon at The Village Works
The end of the year is approaching. Is the end of your writing project in sight? And is your digital self in optimal shape?
Whether you’re plugging away at the last chapter of your book, your job applications and graduate school essays, or a stack of holiday cards, you’ll have an easier time writing if you’re in good company.
And a dedicated time and place are essential to fighting off procrastination when it comes to cleaning up your cluttered desktop, overflowing inbox, email subscriptions, or past social media posts.
Join us for our end-of-the-year Writing Marathon and Digital Detox! We’ll have The Village Works coffee and productivity-optimized workspace to help us clear our devices and knock out our projects.
Tickets are free but limited!
Writing Marathon at The Village Works
Everybody has writing that they’ve been avoiding. Slay the beast!
Whether you’re plugging away at a book, a business plan, lines of code, your resume, or a letter to your elected officials, writing is easier in good company.
Join us for a night of not checking Instagram—and meet some neighbors while you’re at it. We’ll have The Village Works’s snacks, coffee, and productivity-optimized workspace to help us knock it out.
And if your creative writing is stuck and needs a boost of inspiration, come over early for Rekindle Your Craft at 5:30PM. Daphne Strassmann leads this free, monthly prompt-driven writing workshop. It’s low-key and accessible to writers of all levels. Learn more at rekindleyourcraft.com.
Tickets are free but limited!
Writing Marathon at The Village Works
Everybody has some writing that they’ve been avoiding. Slay the beast!
Whether you’re plugging away at a book, a blog, your resume, or a letter to your elected officials, sometimes writing is easier in good company.
Join us for a night of not checking Instagram, and meet some neighbors while you’re at it. We’ll have The Village Works’s snacks, coffee, and productivity-optimized workspace to help us knock it out.
And if your writing is stuck and need a bit of a creative boost, come over early for Rekindle Your Craft at 6:30PM. Led by Daphne, you’ll work from prompts and if you’re up for it, share with the group. Find out more at http://rekindleyourcraft.com
Tickets are free but limited!
Poetry Heat Wave! The 2017 Boston Poetry Marathon
The Boston Heat Wave Poetry Marathon is an annual weekend long poetry marathon– lasting from August 18 through August 20– at Outpost 186 in Inman Square. Starting on Friday, poets are scheduled to read from 7pm through 10:30pm, Saturday from 12pm to 5:30pm and again from 7pm to 10:30pm, then finally Sunday from 12pm to 5:30pm. Each poet reads for 8 minutes. This event is free and open to the public.
Friday night’s line-up:
7:00 William Walsh
7:08 Jon Woodward
7:16 Christie Towers
7:24 Kenyatta JP Garcia
7:32 Jim Dunn
7:40 Jean Dany Joachim
7:50 Cheryl Clark Vermeulen
7:58 Ryan DiPetta
8:06 Jess Mynes
8:14 Jessica Bozek
8:22 Randolph Pfaff
8:30 Christina Davis
8:42 Stephanie Taylor
8:50 Karen Locascio
8:58 Kevin Gallagher
9:06 Judson Evans
9:14 Jordan Davis
9:22 Carla Schwartz
9:30 Alifair Skebe
9:40 Paige Taggart
9:48 David Rivard
9:56 Simeon Berry
10:04 Sampson Starkweather
10:12 Darcie Denningan
10:20 Joe Elliot
10:28 David Blair
end of night