U35 is a bi-monthly reading series for poets under 35, held once each January, March, May, July, September, and November. The series seeks to promote and bolster young Massachusetts poets while giving them a venue to share their work and connect with other poets. If you are a poet under the age of 35, sign up to read via Mass Poetry’s website! This event is free and open to the public.
Our November readers are Sally Burnette, Adrie Rose, and Carolyn Oliver.
Sally Burnette is the author of the chapbooks laughing plastic (Broken Sleep Books) and Special Ultimate: Baby’s Story: a Documentary (Ghost City Press). They are originally from North Carolina but currently live in Boston, where they teach in the First-Year Writing Program at Emerson College and read flash fiction for Split Lip Magazine. Recent work has been published/is forthcoming in Occulum, pidgeonholes, Indianapolis Review, and elsewhere.
Adrie Rose writes, works with herbs, and organizes for Extinction Rebellion in occupied Nipmuck and Pocumtuc territory. Her work has previously appeared in Rebelle Society, Plum, Peregrine, Albatross, The Essential Herbal, Poetry Breakfast, and Ibbetson Street Review. Her poem “In the Liminal” was awarded second place in the Robert P. Colleen Poetry Competition. She studied creative writing at Bennington College and the SC Governor’s School for the Arts & Humanities, and is currently a student at Smith College.
Carolyn Oliver (carolynoliver.net) lives in Worcester with her family. Her poetry has recently appeared or is forthcoming in FIELD, Indiana Review, Cincinnati Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Sixth Finch, Southern Indiana Review, and Sugar House Review. She is the winner of the Writer’s Block Prize in Poetry and the Frank O’Hara Prize from the Worcester Review.