Muse & the Marketplace

GrubStreet invites you to Muse & the Marketplace, their three-day literary conference gives aspiring writers a better understanding of the craft of fiction and nonfiction, prepares them for the ever-changing world of publishing and promotion, and creates opportunities for meaningful networking. Established and emerging authors lead 130+ interactive sessions on the craft of writing – the “muse” side of things – while editors, literary agents and other industry professionals tackle the business side – the “marketplace.” Though 800+ presenters, participants, volunteers, and special guests will attend, GrubStreet creates a wonderfully intimate atmosphere designed to give everyone access to the wealth of talent on both sides of the classroom.

But wait, there’s more: the Muse also features many special events, which have included keynote addresses, evening receptions, full breakfast, Open Mics, Literary Idol, a competition for self-published authors, and many other surprises.

The Muse and the Marketplace is one of the few conferences that offers a practical, concrete and candid assessment of your fiction and/or non-fiction manuscript. Many conferences offer pitch sessions and social media how-to’s, but, for an additional fee, attendees can meet one-on-one in our Manuscript Mart with an established literary agent, an acquiring editor at a publishing house, and/or a literary journal editor. These consultants will evaluate twenty pages of your manuscript in advance of the conference and provide in-person direct feedback.

Attendees can also attend the Shop Talk Happy Hour to network and/or socialize with invited agents, editors, authors and/or other presenters. Shop Talk tables, which require an additional fee, are reserved in advance so you’ll know exactly which publishing professionals you’ll be sitting with.

For More Information

For additional assistance or information, please email Hanna Katz at